
August 2023

dunk main menu scene dunk gameplay
  • Built with Godot for a two week long game jam with a friend.
  • A first person 64 x 64 bit atmospheric horror game where the player plays as a diver stranded at the bottom of the ocean trying to fix their submarine.
  • The player must collect parts scattered around the ocean floor while managing oxygen levels, flashlight battery, and being hunted by a creature.

Job Hunt Tracker

July 2023 - Present

job hunt tracker main view
  • Vue.js and Typescript application that allows users to store and manage all the information about the jobs they apply to, organized into job hunts.
  • Uses supabase to handle CRUD along with user authentication via email.
  • Frontend designed with Figma and tested with Vitest.


July 2023

jig logo jig gameplay
  • Built with Godot for a 48 hour game jame with a friend. Made a lot of the artwork with Aseprite.
  • Created a pixel art rhythm fishing game that shuffled through random songs and difficulties.
  • Players were awarded 1 of 10 possbile fish based on how they performed.


May 2023 - Present

jig logo

This website

  • I've gone through 3-4 redesigns of this website recently. Originally no js at all, then redesigned with js, then remade with Next.js, and then finally remade with Svelte.
  • First time that I designed a website with a mobile first plan.